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Sale: Industrial area, Piešťany

ID: 11578874
Price: On request
Region:Trnavský kraj
Category:Commercial objects
Property type:industrial area
Floor area:5640 m2
Built-up area:4364 m2
Plot area:20021 m2

For sale an industrial area in Piešťany.
Total land area: 20.021 sqm
Total built-up area: 4.364 sqm

- the complex is located approx. 2 km from the guide to the highway
- industrial zone
- civic amenities
- Bratislava 85 km

Production and storage hall
- total floor area 3.575 sqm
- one-story, brick building
- in the part of the building, the floor level is lowered, a second floor with an area of ​​approx. 700 sqm has been inserted
- in one part of the workshop, in the other warehouse, social background
- hall height 6 m
- loading ramp
- tin gable roof
- cement screed floor
- strip concrete foundations with horizontal insulation against soil moisture
- insulation in the roof structure
- steel doors
- gas heating
- connected to all utilities

A hangar
- total floor area 432 sqm
- height 4,5 m
- one-story steel hall
- supporting structures steel columns
- cement screed floor
- roofing with steel trusses
- electroinstalation
- the premises are unheated

Administrative building
basement area 248 sqm
     /warehouses, operating premises/
1st floor - floor area 293 sqm
2nd floor - floor area 248 sqm
     /offices, common room, social facilities/
- brick building, ceramic tiles, plastic windows and doors
- gas heating

The area also includes:
- fuel storage
- gas meter
- sheds

The area is suitable for industrial production, storage, trade and wholesale.

Heated: yes Condition: partly reconstructed
Construction: mixed Access road: asphalt
Watter supply: on the plot 230V: yes
400V: yes Umiestnenie Plynu: on the plot
Umiestnenie kanalizácie: on the plot sewage treatment plant: none
septic: none Grease separator: none
Ramp: yes Hydraulic ramp: none
Crane: none Cargo Lift: none
Phone: yes Internet: yes
CCTV: none Alarm: yes
Security service: none    

Agent: Contact:
Agent:Ing. Stanislav Haviar
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About Us

ADMS. LLC. is a real estate agency that highly specializes in the segment of commercial properties for industrial, logistics and retail usage in the region of western Slovakia. Our aim is to provide professional, complex and maximally reliable service to our clients in all aspects of commercial real estate - buying, selling and renting.
ADMS is a member of NARKS (National Association of Real Estate Agencies in Slovakia) and European Association of Real Estate Professions CEPI-CEI. 
Our mission is to use all our resources and knowledge of the local market on behalf of our clients to provide them with the most effective and complex real estate solutions for their business.
We are also licensed by NARKS.